December 8, 2024
In the Name and Fellowship of Jesus Christ, you are welcomed to our faith community.
We are so glad that you chose to join us this morning to worship with us. Whatever your circumstances: married, single, single again, with or without children, looking for a home church or “just browsing,” you are welcomed at Our Saviour’s. Please record your visit with us. Sign the attendance pad and pass it to the other end of the pew. You can also fill out a Connect Card and place it in the offering plate or the office. We'd like to know how we can serve you or minister to you. We’d love to stay in touch with you, and provide you with information about our church ministries and programs “you can also check out our website at www.osumc.org. You are invited to join us for coffee hour where we can get to know you better. Again, thanks for joining us today! We hope to see you again very soon. God bless you.
Words in red type to be read by the congregation.
An asterisk(*) indicates to please stand in body or in spirit, as you are able.
Order of Worship
Joyce Kiepura
Sing We Now of Christmas
arr. Larry Shackley
Ricardo Pedroza
Pastor David Lagos-Fonseca
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
United Methodist Hymnal 218
verses 1 and 4
Pastor David Lagos-Fonseca
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
United Methodist Hymnal 196
Pastor David Lagos-Fonseca
Advent Candle Lighting-Peace
The Gonet Family
Reader: People of God, Esther was a heroic woman who took a great risk to bring peace for her people.
Congregation: We want peace to overcome struggle, violence, and cruelty.
Reader: It can be dangerous to call for peace. This might be the job God needs us to do.
Congregation: Today we light a candle to symbolize God’s peace. We hope in the One who will come. We pray for God’s peace to prevail.
(Light the candle of Peace)
Reader: People of God, take courage.
Congregation: We take courage from the light of God’s peace.
Children's Christmas Pageant
Away in a Manger
Ring Those Bells
Joy to the World
Sharing of Joys and Concerns/Lord's Prayer
Dan Meyer
Place your 0ffering in the plates by the doors
*Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:9 (NIV)
John 14:27
Barry Maurizio
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Leader: This is the word of God for the people of God
People: Thanks be to God
Living the Peace
Pastor David Lagos-Fonseca
Shalom to You
United Methodist Hymnal 666
Go, Tell It On the Mountain
Charles Callahan
Ricardo Pedroza
Our Saviour’s United Methodist Church
Mission Statement
Growing Each Day by Worshiping God; Loving One Another; and Serving Others
A Safe Sanctuary Congregation
701 E. Schaumburg Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60194
Church Phone: 847/352-8181
E-mail: churchoffice@osumc.org
Web address: www.osumc.org
Prayer Requests: pray@osumc.org
Regular Worship Service:
Sundays - 9:30 A.M.
Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.
To learn about our upcoming events please visit our calendar:
~ OSUMC Members of the Reconciling Church Task Force ~
Martha Walker
Cindy Rucks
Phil Dyer
Diane Dyer
Barry Maurizio
Brian English
Jenny Beutin
Barbara Garvin (Alternate)
Single Board Chairperson
Dan Meyer
Lay Leader
Brian English
Finance Chairperson
Michele Anderson
Finance Vice Chair
Phil Prather
Trustees Chairperson
Bob Garvin
Trustees Vice Chair
John Kostecki
Pastor Parish Committee Chairperson
Faith Folkes
Pastor Parish Committee Chairperson Vice Chair
Matthew Williams
U.M. Men’s Representative
Barry Maurizio
United Women in Faith Representative
Mary Legg
Youth Representative
Angelina Mheenbeek
Recording Secretary
Marcia Needler